Changes in the List of professions for vocational education and training in professional field “Military and defence”

Changes in the List of professions for vocational education and training in professional field “Military and defence”

In the end of 2020 by Order RD-09-3574 / 21.12.2020 of the Minister of education and science, the LPVET was supplemented and amended as follows:

Аddition of 10 new specialties to profession 863010 Sergeant (Petty officer in the Navy) – commander;
Separation of 7 new specialties to profession 863020 Sergeant (Petty officer in the Navy) – logistics officer;
Deletion of profession 863030 Sergeant (Petty officer in the Navy) – technician;
Addition a new profession Sergeant (Petty officer in the Navy) – cybersecurity and cyber operations, with specialty Cybersecurity and cyber operations, EQF level 5.

A team of cybersecurity experts, nominated by the Ministry of defense, started the development of State educational standard for acquiring professional qualification for new profession -Sergeant (Petty officer in the Navy) – cybersecurity and cyber operations.